
Can you practice three days of non-violence? Sounds relatively easy, right? But, when we look more closely, we may realize there are countless ways that we cause ourselves and others harm on a daily basis.


Yoga is Hard, Even for Yoga Girl — Why We Must Lean into the Struggle

Don’t let Instagram or magazine covers fool you — everyone struggles; on their yoga mat, and on their life’s journey. Even though my name on Instagram is yoga_girl, this is my truth: Yoga is not easy for me.

Rachel Brathen - Saturday, 10:14 pm

Avoiding Your Yoga Mat? Read This: The Real Reason We Practice

Do you avoid getting on your mat because you’re “not flexible”? Do you pass by a mirror or a big window and habitually turn your gaze to analyze your walk, your curves, your whole body?

Rachel Brathen - Monday, 10:30 pm

The Most Important Lesson Yoga Will Teach You About Life

There’s a not-so-secret trick to committing to your yoga practice every damn day. I believe life is like a yoga practice, and the same trick has become an essential life lesson that’s saved me every time I felt like giving up.

Rachel Brathen - Thursday, 6:37 pm

The Yoga Girl® Guide to Restorative Yoga and Props

Restorative yoga is slower-paced to help calm the nervous system, release tension from deep within the muscles and fascia, and leave you feeling calm, peaceful, and relaxed. Find ways to incorporate more restoration and relaxation into your practice and how you can make your own props with things around your home.

Yoga Girl Editor - Wednesday, 7:05 pm

A Yoga Girl® Guide to the Eight Limbs of Yoga

As much as we love invigorating Sun Salutations, Vinyasa flows, hip openers, back-bending, and arm balancing, there is so much more to the yoga practice than just Asana, the physical aspect.

Yoga Girl Editor - Wednesday, 5:34 pm

How to Start a Yoga Practice: 8 Tips From Yoga Girl®

Starting a yoga practice is learning a new language — literally if you count the Sanskrit for each pose! It can be hard to start, especially if your focus is a home practice, so here are 8 tips to help you get started, get motivated, and fall in love with yoga!

Rachel Brathen - Thursday, 6:38 pm

From Harm to Respect - Exploring Cultural Appropriation

You stroll into a yoga studio wearing a cute bindi that compliments your outfit. The Lakshmi goddess print on your leggings sparkles in the light. You slip your shoes off into the cubbies and smile as you breeze past the Ganesh statue that sits atop the shoe rack.

Susanna Barkataki - Friday, 6:25 am

Yoga For All

When I started teaching yoga it was a hobby. Something I wanted to share with my friends and family. I have been practicing some form of yoga for the past 43 years of my life. My yoga evolved from a form of exercise to life altering experience. My teaching developed from a small class of my friends and family to a worldwide stage. My mission: more accessibility for more people. I wanted the yoga mat to be a place of surrender and community.

Dianne Bondy - Monday, 7:56 pm

Cultural Appropriation: What Is It and How Does It Apply to Yoga?

The topic of cultural appropriation is a sensitive and important one and I will give it the time and attention it deserves.

Rachel Brathen - Monday, 8:01 pm

Yoga After Giving Birth: A Coming Home on a Path Lined in New Love

Standing on my yoga mat with my postnatal body feels like meeting an old friend that I haven’t seen in ages. It’s familiar, but it isn't the same. Something big has shifted here.

Rachel Brathen - Monday, 7:59 pm

The Secret to Doing Handstands and Headstands: Yoga Girl® Tutorials

Getting upside down is healthy for the mind, body and soul. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy! My journey with inversions like headstands, then handstands, then pressing into a handstand… it all took patience and practice. But the true key? I had to believe in myself.

Rachel Brathen - Monday, 7:52 pm

The 4 Yogi Rules to Live by for Health and Balance

Being a yoga teacher is an absolute dream job. But teaching about calm and balanced wellness doesn’t always guarantee it for the teacher! I learned this the hard way, many times. It’s why I developed the Yogi Rules (for all teachers) to Live by.

Rachel Brathen - Thursday, 6:37 pm

The Best Way to Practice Yoga? Take the Pressure Off, but Keep Showing Up!

Practicing yoga means doing your best – every single day. Is your best different day to day? Of course it is. The point isn’t to show up the exact same way, day after day. Nature doesn’t even do that.

Rachel Brathen - Saturday, 10:19 pm

The Island Yoga Story: A Vortex of Love and Dream Come True

You know when you dream about something big for so long that it becomes a faraway fantasy? And then, when it happens, you can’t stop pinching yourself to make sure it’s real? The Island Yoga story is that dream come true for me.

Rachel Brathen - Monday, 8:04 pm
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