Resources for Anti-Racism, Social Justice, and Cultural Understanding
In order to heal the world on a collective level, we must first look within to recognize our own personal blindspots. Doing this work is not always easy, but it needs to be done if we are to ever truly live in a world in which we are all "one".
It's common to abstain from challenging topics because we want to “keep the peace” and “focus on love and light," but by not digging into hard subjects and asking ourselves and those close to us the tough questions, we are allowing injustice and suffering to continue to happen.
As a community, we can not look the other way when we are faced with what's uncomfortable.
It is our responsibility to face the challenges presented to us, to stand up against oppression, and to own up to any mistakes we make along the way.
Ahimsa, the first Yama of Yoga, is the practice of non-harming and non-violence.
We want all members of our community to honor and respect this very crucial aspect of Yoga. We can do this together by educating ourselves, amplifying marginalized voices, standing up to injustice, and listening when someone, especially a person of color, tells us something IS harmful (even without our realization) so we don't contribute to spreading further harm.
The fourth Niyama of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is Svadhyaya or “self-study”. By studying "the Self", we can recognize our own thought patterns, habits, fears, judgments, criticisms, and doubts. We can examine our personal subconscious to discover patterns, triggers, and biases we may have developed from our upbringing and past that may actually be causing harm to those around us.
We can begin to unlearn these behaviors and thought patterns and consciously reprogram the brain.
One incredibly beautiful practice to have is that of humility, accepting when we may have done something harmful, owning up to that mistake, and making the necessary changes moving forward.
We are ALL capable of these things. We are ALL capable of creating a better world to live in and a better world to leave for those that come after us.
It starts with doing this work!
We have compiled the following list of resources that have been shared with us and have also been used during our own learning journey. We will continue to add as we discover more.
We CAN create change.
It starts with each of us and you...Let's begin.
From today forward, please use this document as a resource if you are ever looking to learn more or are unsure about:
- Oppression, Racism, Xenophobia, White Supremacy
- Gentrification, Racial Justice, & Politics
- Classism, Privilege, White Privilege
- Ablism, Inclusivity, & Diversity
- Cultural Appropriation
- Etc.
This is not a complete list, and we will be continuing to add many more topics and resources as they come. We ask that you use your privilege, voice, body and presence to show the world that it is OUR responsibility to end the violence that has continued to take place.
Follow, Read, Donate:
Here are some important accounts to follow, books to read, and organizations to donate to. Besides these, there are also movies, shows, and documentaries on your favorite streaming channels, podcasts, and plenty of other sources of information for you to learn and un-learn.
You are not being asked to read these books in a day or to give to every single organization, but rather to get started and do what you can.
Most importantly: when Black or people of color speak to you or reply to a post or comment that you’ve posted - please LISTEN.
If you feel triggered, and immediately feel pulled to react, you have work to do.
Please do not comment or take part in any conversation online before you’ve begun your own work.
If you are white, please understand that it is not a person of color's responsibility to answer your questions or do your homework for you.
Please follow the accounts listed below (and there are many more!) for resources but remember that ultimately it is your job to educate yourself, and hopefully even consider financially supporting those who have graciously offered their time and effort towards re-educating in public service. Thank you.
- @susannabarkataki
- @laylafsaad
- @rachel.cargle
- @theconsciouskid
- @mspackyetti
- @professor_crunk
- @jessicawilson.msrd
- @nowhitesaviors
- @ihartericka
- @ibramxk
- @austinchanning
- @eliana.chinea
- @chasinggarza
- @opalayo
- @osopepatrisse
- @bexlife
- @munroebergdorf
- @latashamorrison
- @ckyourprivilege
- @thegreatunlearn
- @theblackdoula
- @yogapipeline
- @naacp
- Embrace Yoga's Roots: Courageous Ways to Deepen Your Yoga Practice by Susanna Barkataki
- Uncomfortable Conversations With A Black Man by Emmanuel Acho
- Me & White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad
- How To Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi
- I’m Still Here by Austin Channing Brown
- So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
- Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower by Brittney Cooper
- White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson
- Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do by Jennifer Eberhardt
- Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America by Jennifer Harvey
- Locking Up Our Own - Crime and Punishment in Black America by James Forman Jr.
- Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates (@tanehisipcoates)
- Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-first Century by Dorothy Roberts
- @blklivesmatter
- @aclu_nationwide
- @nationalbailout
- @bailproject
- @blackvisionscollective
- @yourrightscamp
- @naacp_ldf
- @unicorn.riot
- @campaignzero
Oppression, Racism, Xenophobia & White Supremacy:
- A Letter from our CEO by Rachel Brathen/Yoga Girl®
- Uncomfortable Conversations with Emmanuel Acho - Yoga Girl® Podcast, Conversations from the Heart with Rachel Brathen
- Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man - YouTube (also via Emmanuel Acho's Instagram IGTV)
- An Antiracist Reading List by Ibram X. Kendi
- How to Be a True Ally to Women of Color with Rachel Cargle - Yoga Girl: Conversations From the Heart Podcast
- Anti-Racism Resources for White People
- 75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
- The Opposite of "Racist" Isn't "Not Racist"
- New Era of Public Safety: An Advocacy Toolkit for Fair, Safe, and Effective Community Policing (PDF)
- Anguish and Action: Resources to Learn What You Can Do to Create a More Just and Equitable World.
- Being ‘Too Sensitive’ Isn’t the Problem – Oppression Is
- 5 Ways The Government Keeps Native Americans In Poverty
- 30+ Resources to Help White Americans Learn About Race and Racism
- Your Internalized Dominance Is Showing: A Call-In to White Feminists Who Believe That #AllLivesMatter
- Why We Don’t Need #WhiteOutDay, White History Month, or a National Association for the Advancement of White People (Really, It’s Racist)
- School Threatens to Expel Black Girl Being Bullied Over Natural Hair
- How Blackgirl Natural Hair Is Shamed from Infancy to Adulthood
- So You Call Yourself an Ally: 10 Things All ‘Allies’ Need to Know
Gentrification, Racial Justice, & Politics:
- Yoga, Equity, and Social Justice by Dianne Bondy
- This Week, I Will Take Action - Yoga Girl Daily Podcast
- Social Justice School - Online learning for healing, justice, and liberation
- What It’s Like for Gentrification to Kick You Out of Your Neighborhood
- Gentrification Spreads an Upheaval in San Francisco’s Mission District
- 9 Ways Privileged People Can Reduce the Negative Impact of Gentrification
- 7 Reasons Why ‘Colorblindness’ Contributes to Racism Instead of Solves It
Classism, Privilege, White Privilege & Spiritual Bypassing, and Tone-Policing:
- Racism 101: Tone Policing
- What's the Harm in Tone Policing?
- No, We Won’t Calm Down – Tone Policing Is Just Another Way to Protect Privilege
- Tone Policing People of Color
- Seek Discomfort - A Story About Privilege and The True Meaning of Freedom - Yoga Girl: Conversations From the Heart Podcast
- The Pencilsword: On a plate (comic strip)
- Think You Haven’t Benefited from Racism?
- 5 Common Assumptions You Never Realized Were Classist
- Did You Do These 6 Activities Today? You May Have Class Privilege
- “That’s Racist Against White People!” A Discussion on Power and Privilege
- Privilege 101: A Quick and Dirty Guide
- Mindful Activism in Yoga
- What Is Spiritual Bypassing?
Ablism, Inclusivity, & Diversity:
- Yoga for All by Dianne Bondy
- Confessions of a Fat, Black Yoga Teacher
- Yoga Studios: Everyone’s Welcome?
- (More) Reasons Why Your Yoga Class is So White
- Yoga & Body Diversity: 5 Ways to Be Inclusive When Teaching or Practicing
- Why We Need Safe Spaces in Yoga by Susanna Barkataki
Cultural Appropriation:
- Integrating Equity: A Diversity and Inclusivity Series with Susanna Barkataki
- Embrace Yoga's Roots with Susanna Barkataki
- Bonus Episode! Continuing with Susanna Barkataki on Cultural Appropriation, Discrimination and Equity in Yoga
- Why I Stopped Saying Namaste with Susanna Barkataki - Yoga Girl: Conversations From the Heart Podcast
- From Harm to Respect - Exploring Cultural Appropriation by Susanna Barkataki
- Cultural Appropriation with Susanna Barkataki - Yoga Girl: Conversations From the Heart Podcast
- Honor Don’t Appropriate Yoga Summit Free Online Series Hosted by Susanna Barkataki
- Cultural Appropriation: What Is It and How Does It Apply to Yoga? by Rachel Brathen
- Cultural Appropriation, Inclusivity and Yoga - What I've Learned by Rachel Brathen
- 5 Simple Questions That’ll Help You Avoid Unintentional Cultural Appropriation
- The Difference Between Cultural Exchange and Cultural Appropriation
- What’s Wrong with Cultural Appropriation? These 9 Answers Reveal Its Harm
- Why Discussing Cultural Appropriation Isn’t Just Being Told What You ‘Can’t’ Do
- How to Decolonize Your Yoga Practice by Susanna Barkataki
- 8 Signs Your Yoga Practice Is Culturally Appropriated – And Why It Matters
- 6 Ways You’re Taught to Appropriate (Not Appreciate) Other Cultures
- 7 Reasons Why White People Should Not Wear Black Hairstyles
- 11 of the Most Culturally Appropriated South Asian Accessories – And What They Really Mean
- It’s Not Cool to Wear a Culture as a Costume – Here’s a Little Humor to Show Exactly Why
- Intent vs. Impact: Why Your Intentions Don’t Really Matter
- 4 Ways To Honor Native Americans Without Appropriating Our Culture
- Determining the Effects of the Cultural Appropriation of Aboriginal Traditions in Fashion
- White tears and aggressive Indians: Native activists on the Daily Show
- How to Argue Against Racist Mascots
- Craving the Other: One Woman’s Beef with Cultural Appropriation and Cuisine
- Is Western Yoga Cultural Appropriation? Yes, but That Doesn’t Mean White People Can’t Practice It
- Exploring Yoga and the Impacts of Cultural Appropriation
- 6 Ways You Harm Me When You Appropriate Black Culture – And How to Appreciate It Instead
- Here Are 5 Cultural Appropriating Outfits It’s Time to Retire for Good
- The Internet Is Unhappy With This Allure Spread
- Things White People Need to Stop Saying
- ‘Tibetan singing bowls’ are not Tibetan. Sincerely, a Tibetan person.
To be continued...
If you’d like to contribute any links or resources, you can comment your own suggestions below to help us further educate our collective community.
Thank you all for taking the steps toward growth and creating positive global impact. ♥️
-Team Yoga Girl®