About the Episode
We are one people. We all have the same beating heart inside our chests. We are all born with the same longing to be loved and free.
However, our freedom only extends as far as our privilege, and some of us are born with more privilege than others.
In this episode, Rachel shares the story of how she found herself faced with the challenge of having her US ESTA visa revoked and the eye opening process that followed. She is no longer free to travel to a country she pays taxes in, has multiple businesses in, and has visited countless times before.
As Rachel travels to the nearest US embassy to apply for a new visa, she is faced with a stifling situation. She watches applicant after applicant be denied entry to the US; family members who have not seen their children in years, only to be sent home heartbroken.
The whole situation is emotionally draining and exasperating, yet Rachel leans into the discomfort and brings light to what unites us. So much more connects us than could ever separate us - and the world is made up of much more than border lines.
This episode will remind you that with privilege comes the responsibility to help other people. After all, we often don’t even notice our own privilege until it is taken away.

Key Takeaways
- With privilege comes the responsibility to help other people. Check your privilege and use it to be of service to humanity.
- Learn to look past your preconceived ideas of other people and into the heart of the matter. Every person you meet is fighting their own battles.
- Educate yourself and become aware of how you can be of service and respect different cultures around the world.
- Change begins with connection through community. Regardless of what might divide us, we are all connected and it’s by looking at the world from a place of compassion that we will make the world a better place.
How to Help
You can help by donating to Together Rising an organization helping families separated at the US border, created by Glennon Doyle.
To tune in to the podcast episode with Rachel and Glennon, click here.