5 Tips to Support Your Immune System During Winter favorite_border
I am so excited that Lea has officially started school!
After two years of the pandemic, and almost 9 months of not having a permanent home, our family has been yearning for some routine and stability. A new school means many new friends, which means I am leveling up all of our immunity supporting practices to make sure we stay as healthy as possible this season.
Here are the top five ways I am supporting my immune system this winter!
- Get outside - first thing! Spending time outside in the morning helps us calibrate our body’s internal circadian clock, which helps us sleep better at night. So even when it’s dark out, make sure you spend some time in actual daylight as early as you can! I walk the dogs at the first sign of light here and make sure to spend at least 30 minutes outside (dressed for the occasion, of course!). Aside from the physical benefits of exposing ourselves to daylight early in the day, taking a walk outside wakes me up and gets me in touch with nature first thing. It’s a beautiful way to start the day, no matter the weather!
- Connect with nature! Spending mindful time in nature every day is proven to lower our stress levels, which is a huge factor when it comes to our immune health. When I can, I love to take my meditation practice outside (wearing many, many layers). I have a little yoga platform right outside our house although the weather hasn’t really allowed for me to roll out my mat yet, I have been using it to sit in silence and enjoy the view of the lake. I’m amazed at how many birds we have here - yesterday I saw a Golden Eagle!
- Support your gut health! Did you know that our immune system actually begins in the gut? Optimizing our gut health is a huge part to support in our immune system so we can stay healthy. I take Protectis by BioGaia Sweden everyday - it gives a full dose of live bacteria probiotics that helps the good microorganisms keep a natural balance in the gut. It’s Sweden-founded and has been tested in over 150 clinical studies. It’s safe to take for the whole family, plus it tastes great! I take mine along with a ginger infusion (steep fresh ginger and turmeric in water for 20 minutes. Strain, add a squeeze of lemon juice and sip slowly!).
- Stay hydrated! I find it much more challenging to drink enough water in colder climates - I place a huge mason jar of purified water on my desk the moment I start my work day so I don’t end up waiting to become thirsty before I drink. I also love flavoring my water naturally with berries, fruits and veg. Cucumber with a pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt is my go to!
- Sweat! Sweating once a day boosts our energy, improves our mood and helps us detox. Moving our bodies is one of the most important things we can do for our health! Find a way to do it that brings you joy. My favorite way? A dance party in the kitchen, of course!
How are you supporting your immune system this season? Share! Click here to get the BioGaia probiotics (use the code YOGAGIRL25 for 25% off!).
#supportingyourinvisibleheroes #guthealth #immunesupport
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