The Pause In Between

Smart people always get my attention, especially a genius as gifted as Albert Einstein. His words were as magical as his mathematics were miraculous. He wrote, ” He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.“

Our daily lives, mine included, are filled to the brim – going, going, going to get somewhere physically or metaphorically. Achievement is greatly rewarded, and that works to our benefit most of the time. It reinforces that those who work hard can get ahead, accomplish much and live happily ever after.

I confess to be turbo-driven when it comes to my purpose and dreams. All the effort to steer me there is not always easy or fun. So, it becomes even more important that I carve out pauses, each and every day. My “to-do” list, like most of yours, will still be there tomorrow and might even grow in length and breadth along with my desires.

Recognizing that fact took me awhile – I would work feverishly until my kids came home from school and then squeeze in more throughout the day. But, I have been attempting to create a few restorative pauses in the “work” day, where I sit down, cuddle with my kitties, look at the trees outside, sip a cup of coffee or tea and feel FINE with the stillness of it. Not only fine, but a little in awe of my surroundings – my comfortable couch, my adorable companions, my big outdoor view and the very fact that I am doing exactly what I want to do, and that I am able to do exactly what I want to do.

As Einstein notes, we need to sense the wonder of our lives, the easy and the tough parts, to really feel alive. And this aliveness can fully be absorbed during the pauses in between the moments.

so, pause……:-)

Deepen your pause with this practice with Lara on

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