Ask Rachel: When We Speak To Ourselves, The Universe Listens

From The Heart with Rachel Brathen - March 31st 2023

Author: Rachel Brathen

Topics: Growth, Friendship, Self-Love

Links: Apple Podcasts / Spotify

About the Episode

Today’s episode is another segment of Ask Rachel, and this one has a little bit of everything.

Rachel answers questions on everything from setting boundaries and how to navigate tumultuous relationships, to the words we speak about ourselves and how they shape our reality. If you want to hear about rituals to ground you during a stressful time, or how to set fitness goals that are actually beneficial, this one is for you.

A well-rounded episode, you’ll come out feeling like you just had a deep conversation with a friend.

Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. You may hear your voice on the next segment of Ask Rachel.

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