A Letter From The Heart favorite_border

Read this month's Yoga Girl Weekly newsletter featuring a letter from Rachel Brathen, free rituals, yoga, self-care tips, astrology, and more for October 2022!

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Swedish Soul Medicine

Swedish Soul Medicine


In this very special (and very Swedish!) session we begin with a quick rundown of what you’ll need to prepare and make your glögg. We’ll open practice by grounding with a meditation to bring ourselves into the present moment and bring a sense of softness and ease into the body. Before beginning to make glögg, we’ll pull cards from one of Rachel’s favourite card decks and sit with those for a short while. Then it’s time to mull the festive spirit and make delicious glögg! After preparing this Swedish hot drink, we’ll end the hour with another read from a card deck and a closing from Rachel reflecting on the holiday season, some of the challenges it might bring to light, and how we can best take care of ourselves during this holiday season. Both a non-alcoholic and a traditional version is included, so enjoy either option and have a merry festive season. --- __To make Swedish Soul Medicine, you will need:__ - A pot for the stove and a big spoon to stir - Small mug + teaspoon - 2 cinnamon sticks - 6 cardamom pods - 1 Tbsp dried ginger - 12 cloves - 1 strip of orange peel - 1/2 cup-1 cup organic sugar, maple syup, or sweetener of choice - Raisins and/or shelled almonds as "topping" (*optional) - Plant friend of choice (*optional - if you'd like to personalize it more, intuitively choose an edible herb you are drawn to to add in!) __For a version with alcohol, you will also need:__ - 1 bottle of full-bodied red wine - Brandy (or you can substitute rum, vodka, or any spirit that you'd like) __For an alcohol-free version, you will also need:__ - 1 bottle of red alcohol-free wine OR 750ml black currant juice (preferably a kind that isn’t too sweet) --- __Oracle card deck(s) are: [__Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue__](https://www.amazon.com/Magical-Messages-Fairies-Oracle-Cards/dp/1401917038/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8) [__The Wild Unknown Archetypes by Kim Krans__](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0062871773/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_taft_p1_i7) --- __This class is FREE for premium members or $20 without a subscription.__ Gain access to all future Yoga Girl® LIVE Healing Hours, hundreds of yoga classes, meditations, astrology lessons, and more by [__becoming a member__](https://www.yogagirl.com/subscribe) today! Note: if purchased as a non-member, please access this class by going to your account's [My Mat](https://www.yogagirl.com/my-mat).

New Year's Intention Setting Ceremony for 2023

New Year's Intention Setting Ceremony for 2023

Gentle - 80m

Join Rachel for our most cherished community ritual - New Year's Intention Setting Ceremony for 2023! Arrive at the doorstep of 2023 with your intentions clear in all areas of your life; home, mind, body, and soul. Grab a journal and a pen and lets get started! First, you’ll sit in meditation and deeply connect with the breath. Then in order to fully prepare, it is important to connect with and ground into the body and you'll do just that with a short and gentle flow. You'll then sit and journal on: *The biggest lesson I learned in 2022 was…* *The most beautiful version of my life for 2023 looks like…* *My heart’s biggest longing for 2023 is…* Next, you'll contemplate the 4 main areas of your life and what you want to manifest in each area of Home, Mind, Body, and Soul. This will help you to get super clear on each area and rather than have a general intention, you will be able to clearly ask the universe for exactly what it is you want to receive...and so it is. The 4 Journaling Prompts Are: HOME | *In this area of my life I want…* MIND | *In this area of my life I want…* BODY | *In this area of my life I want…* SOUL | *In this area of my life I want…* To wrap up the Intention Setting Ceremony, you will set your intention for 2023, and pick your word for the year ahead. Finally, Rachel will pull cards and read from four oracle decks, that will serve as the cards of the year. --- __Oracle card decks are:__ [Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals Cards by Angela Werneke Jamie Sams,David Carson](https://www.amazon.com/Medicine-Cards-Discovery-Through-Animals/dp/0880793945/ref=tmm_other_meta_binding_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=) [Mystical Shaman Oracle Cards Cards by Alberto Villoldo](https://www.amazon.com/Mystical-Shaman-Oracle-Alberto-Villoldo/dp/140195250X) [Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1401925359/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_dl_ZCGY3JMKFY3KWV21AP8F) [The Wild Unknown Archetypes by Kim Krans](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0062871773/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_taft_p1_i7) --- __This class is FREE for premium members or $20 without a subscription.__ Gain access to all future Yoga Girl® LIVE Healing Hours, hundreds of yoga classes, meditations, astrology lessons, and more by [__becoming a member__](https://www.yogagirl.com/subscribe) today! Note: if purchased as a non-member, please access this class by going to your account's [My Mat](https://www.yogagirl.com/my-mat).

Rest & Restore

Rest & Restore

Restorative - 75m

If you are sensing a need to slow down, to soften, to rest, to go within... then this practice will guide you through nourishing your Inner World. Begin in a seated position and allow yourself to become very quiet, listen out for any part of your body that may need some love and attention and nourish this part of your body with a short self-massage. Transition to lying down, coming into supported Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana), using any props you may need to help you find a deep sense of softening and comfort. Gently return to a seated position, and slowly move into supported Child’s Pose (Balasana). Slowly coming out of Child’s Pose and moving into a supported Seated Spinal Twist (Parivrtta Sukhasana). Transition through a gentle Cat/Cow pose (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana) before finding supported Seated Spinal Twist on the other side. Move into supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana), finding space and softness in your heart space. Transition into a hip opener of yogi’s choice, with either supported Half Pigeon (Ardha Kapotasana) or supported Double Pigeon/Firelog Pose (Agnistambhasana). Finally, moving into Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani), or a modified version, Legs in 90-90 to find some deep lower back relief, before finally arriving at a deeply restful and nourishing Savasana. --- Spotify class playlist: [Rest & Restore](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3saQsPIXHQ1fr2KIfgL2rz?si=95c991b4f8974e85) Please note that while Spotify playlists are often provided, they are optional and will not negatively impact your experience if not used. --- __This class is FREE for premium members or $20 without a membership.__ Gain access to all future Yoga Girl® LIVE Healing Hours, hundreds of yoga classes, meditations, astrology lessons, and more by [__becoming a member__](https://www.yogagirl.com/subscribe) today! Note: if purchased as a non-member, please access this class by going to your account's [My Mat](https://www.yogagirl.com/my-mat).

Heart Elixir

Heart Elixir

Vinyasa Flow - 69m

The trees are letting go of their leaves as a way to gather energy to produce new buds in the spring. Our own cycles of creation work just the same! In this practice you will gather edible plant friends that inspire you (either by foraging, or by going to the herbal store) and make a special heart elixir. The elixir will be infused with your dreams and longings for the next season - and guess what? It will be ready right at the turn of the year. Leave it on your altar (away from heat and sunlight) and bring it to our [intention setting ceremony on December 30th](https://www.yogagirl.com/practice/video/new-year-s-intentions-december-30th-2022). --- Begin with a short meditation to connect with our heart’s innermost longing. You’ll open your movement practice lying on your back in a comfortable position, connecting to the sound of your breath. Bring movement to the lower body and open with Reclined Supine Twists (Supta Matsyendrasana), before opening the hips through Reclined Pigeon (Supta Kapotasana). Briefly connect to your core before finding your seated position and opening through intuitive Cat-Cow (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana) movements in your seated position. Bring yourself to Tabletop Pose (Bharmanasana) to continue your intuitive movement, then allow yourself to rest for a moment in Child’s Pose (Balasana). Continue by stretching through the side body, then transition to Malasana (Yogic Squat/Garland Pose) to connect with the heart and Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) to check in with the body as a whole. Lower the hips to connect to your core in High Plank Pose (Utthita Chaturanga Dandasana), then shift into Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) to create more space in the heart. Make your way to Forward Fold (Uttanasana) to breathe and feel the support of the Earth then lift up to standing to find expansion in your chest and shoulders with wide cactus arms and standing twists. Create a bit more warmth in the body and space in the heart by flowing through a Vinyasa, Low Lunges (Anjaneyasana), and Revolved High Crescent Lunges (Parivrtta Ashta Chandrasana), then settle in Half Pigeon Pose (Ardha Kapotasana) to soften, breathe, and deeply connect with your heart’s innermost longing. Briefly reconnect with Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana), before settling into your final resting pose, Savasana (Corpse Pose). --- __To make your special herbal-infused Heart Elixir, you will need:__ - One small-medium sized jar with screw-on lid - One part (25%) liquid honey or maple syrup - Three parts (75%) consumable alcohol of choice - Plant friend(s) - dried or fresh - as long as it's completely non-toxic and 100% edible. You will need enough to fill your jar 2/3 full. - Label or tape to label your jar + pen/marker __If you'd prefer to make your elixir non-alcoholic with vinegar instead of alcohol (this variation is called an Oxymel), you will need:__ - One small-medium sized jar with screw-on lid - One part (50%) liquid honey or maple syrup - One part (50%) apple cider vinegar - Plant friend(s) - dried or fresh - as long as it's completely non-toxic and 100% edible. You will need enough to fill your jar 2/3 full. - Label or tape to label your jar + pen/marker --- __Tips when making your elixir:__ - If using a jar lid that is metal, we recommend placing a piece of parchment paper between the lid and jar to prevent corrosion due to the alcohol or vinegar. - For both honey and apple cider vinegar, we recommend raw, organic versions for added health benefits. - When consuming store-bought plant friends, we recommend buying organic whenever possible or carefully washing/rinsing beforehand to lessen the amount of pesticides consumed. If foraging, avoid doing so close to roadways or polluted areas to avoid contamination. - Plant friend options include, but are not limited to: Chamomile, Rose, Dandelion, Elderflower, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Stinging Nettle (be careful when handling to avoid stings!), Peppermint, Rosemary, Calendula, etc. - If honey/raw honey is not an option for you, you can substitute (1:1) with coconut nectar or maple syrup. - After preparing, you will want to store your jar containing your herbal mixture in a cool, dark place, and shake at least twice every week to assist the infusion. - Infusing times may vary, but we recommend at least 2-6 weeks for both the regular (alcohol) elixir and the oxymel (vinegar) elixir. Note that longer infusing times will increase potency and concentration. - Once infusion is complete, you will strain and store in a glass jar or bottle, away from moisture/humidity. Alcohol-based elixirs should be kept in should be kept in a cool, dark place (or refrigerator) with a shelf life of approximately 1-2 years. Vinegar-based (non-alcholic) elixirs should be kept in a cool, dark place (or refrigerator) with a shelf life of approximately 6-12 months. *Disclaimer: while herbal elixirs and oxymels are generally safe to consume for a majority of adults, some herbs, plants, and/or honey may cause adverse effects if one has a particular allergy, or if too much is consumed. Also, alcohol, as well as some herbs should not be consumed during pregnancy or if trying to become pregnant. Knowing this, please consult your medical doctor or herbalist before trying new herbal elixirs that you are unsure of or any that your body is unfamiliar with.* --- __Spotify class playlist: [Heart Elixir](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0WSjLEYwsGXxMBA8vf51zH?si=5bb1fbbfad5241a6)__ Please note that while Spotify playlists are often provided, they are optional and will not negatively impact your experience if not used. --- __Oracle card deck is: [__The Wild Unknown Archetypes by Kim Krans__](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0062871773/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_taft_p1_i7)__ --- __This class is FREE for premium members or $20 without a subscription.__ Gain access to all future Yoga Girl® LIVE Healing Hours, hundreds of yoga classes, meditations, astrology lessons, and more by [__becoming a member__](https://www.yogagirl.com/subscribe) today! Note: if purchased as a non-member, please access this class by going to your account's [My Mat](https://www.yogagirl.com/my-mat).

Celebrate Fall!

Celebrate Fall!

Gentle - 79m

In honor of our anniversary (and our founder's birthday!), we will ground, breathe, move our bodies a bit and then: make a fall wreath! Whether you put it on your crown to celebrate your beauty or hang it on your door to celebrate fall is up to you. Go foraging for materials in nature, grab some scissors and twine, and you'll be ready for this practice! You'll get started with a bit of movement to channel and embody the intention you'd like to set for this new season of your life. Begin in a comfortable lying down position to breath and connect, then invite a bit of movement in the hips, spine, and hamstrings with Reclined Supine Twists (Supta Matsyendrasana), modified Reclined Hand-to-Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana), and Seated Cat/Cow Poses (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana). Transition to Tabletop Pose (Bharmanasana) to continue Cat/Cow and explore intuitive movement in your body then take a moment to rest in Child's Pose (Balasana) and connect with your intention. Continue with side body stretches, then flow through Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) and Forward Fold (Uttanasana) before settling the breath in Half Pigeon Pose (Ardha Kapotasana) and finally, Savasana (Corpse Pose) to let everything go. After moving your body and grounding into your fall intentions, you'll continue with a ritual of connecting with Mother Nature by making a fall wreath out of natural materials to close your practice. --- __To make your fall wreath, you will need:__ - Natural materials like branches, flowers, leaves, grass; anything you can forage (or buy) that you would like your wreath to be made up of. Aim for many long, thin branches that are bendable, and try to find different kinds of textures and colors so you have creative options. - A good pair of scissors - Twine or string - Optional - while you can make your wreath using only materials found in nature, if you'd like, you can also buy a base wreath (available in DIY and garden stores), wire, or repurpose a wire hanger to make a sturdy base. --- __Journaling prompt:__ *"The feeling I want to embody this season is..."* --- __Spotify class playlist: [Celebrate Fall](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/08H8Nt9EY2xzM1jOLdNhzn?si=01d2a80be18440d9)__ *Please note that while Spotify playlists are often provided, they are optional and will not negatively impact your experience if not used.* --- __This class is FREE for premium members or $20 without a subscription.__ Gain access to all future Yoga Girl® LIVE Healing Hours, hundreds of yoga classes, meditations, astrology lessons, and more by [__becoming a member__](https://www.yogagirl.com/subscribe) today! Note: if purchased as a non-member, please access this class by going to your account's [My Mat](https://www.yogagirl.com/my-mat).

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